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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Tours, ca. 1470
MS M.366. Fol. 105r

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Scene, Liturgical: Obsequies -- Bier, draped with cross-inscribed pall, surrounded by five (?) candles. Seven mourners, three with joined hands kneel on either side of the bier. Four clerics, tonsured, two wearing copes, are in two pews behind the mourners. In apse, priest, tonsured, wearing chasuble, holding gold disk with both hands, is flanked by two deacons, tonsured, wearing dalmatics, holding gold basins (?) with both hands. All stand with backs to draped altar with reredos decorated with crucifix flanked by six figures. Surmounting the retable are three statues, one wearing miter (?) and holding crozier, either bishop or abbot, and four candles.
Margins are decorated with floreate border, including daisies, and violas, inhabited by bear and by satyr aiming bow and arrow.

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