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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of hours
Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1480
MS M.493 fol. 22v

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Virgin Mary, scalloped nimbus, crowned, veiled, seated on faldstool before decorated drape, raises left hand to indicate nude Christ Child, cross-nimbed, supported by her right hand and partly reclining on her lap, He raises his left hand to His breast and with right hand extends rose to extended right hand of angel, holding another rose, and with left hand holding piece of fruit. To right of the Virgin, two angels play harp and gittern; in background left, table laden with pitcher, dish and cup. Scene in room with tiled floor and two arched windows; one window open with landscape beyond. Borders decorated with gold scrolling foliate and floreate ornament against blue background. Miniature for beginning of the Mass of the Virgin and Creed.

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