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Speculum humanae salvationis
England, Yorkshire?, ca. 1400
MS M.766 fol. 44v

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Left column:
Christ: Crucifixion, nailed to Cross -- Christ, crossed nimbus, wearing short loincloth, is affixed with three nails to cross. One of three executioners, raising hammer with left hand, grasps with right hand, nail in left hand of Christ. Another executioner, standing to right of the cross grasps rope tied to left wrist of Christ, and passing under His body; the third, grasps rope tied around His feet.
Caption, CHRISTUS ORAUIT P(RO) CRUCIFIXORIBUS SUIS, is inscribed above scene.
Right column:
Tubal-cain: Artificer in Brass and Jubal: Father of Music -- Tubal-cain, name inscribed TUBALKAYM, stands to left of anvil, raising hammer with left hand and with right hand holds, with pincers, object on anvil. Another man raises hammer to right of the anvil. Jubal, name inscribed JUBAL, stands behind the anvil playing psaltery.
Text reference, GENES(IS) QUARTO (Genesis 4:21-22), is in upper margin.

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