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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts

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Book of Hours
France, Tours, ca. 1470
MS M.366. Fol. 162r

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Gregory the Great: Scene, celebrating Mass -- Gregory the Great, tonsured, with hands raised, stands before draped altar on which are two candles. Behind him kneel two clerics, tonsured, kneeling, lifting hem of his chasuble. Cleric (?) kneels at each end of the altar. Behind the altar Christ of Sorrows, wearing crown of thorns and loincloth, bleeding from wounds on side and hands, stands in sarcophagus flanked and supported by two angels. They are in front of cross with illegible titulus and Instruments of Passion including column, sponge on reed, scourge, ladder, hammer and pincers.
Margins are decorated with floreate border, inhabited by two wild men, holding lances, one astride bear and other astride lion (Scene, Burlesque: Riding and Scene, Burlesque: Fighting).

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