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Cuerden psalter
England, Oxford, ca. 1270
MS M.756 fol. 40v

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Psalm 027:01 (Vulg., 026:01).
Upper part of initial D:
1) Tonsured cleric stands with left hand holding lighted candle and with right hand extended toward David, crowned, with right hand raised and left hand extended, nude, amid waters.
Lower part of initial D:
2) Three male figures, one armed with axe and the foremost with sword, both with left hands raised, all stand before angel with right hand extending lighted candle toward them and with left hand raised, accompanied by David, crowned, with right hand raised, both standing.
Scenes against gold background, within initial D decorated with fantastic animal forming part of ascender in top margin, inhabited by hooded male hybrid with animal body, dog, hybrid man, wearing cap, with body of bird in open bill of stork.
In left margin, foliate descender inhabited by hooded hybrid man-bird and bird, both perching on lanceolate stems.

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