225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, ca. 1470
MS M.28 fol. 40r
Virgin Mary: Visitation -- Virgin Mary, nimbed, and Elizabeth, nimbed, wearing veil and wimple, embrace. Rays descend toward them from above. Scene in landscape with mountains and trees.
Amid foliate ornament in margins are angel, kneeling, holding open book with pseudo-inscription in both hands; goose; angel, nimbed, kneeling ahd playing portative organ; angel, nimbed, kneeling and playing harp; man, wearing hat, seated cross-legged and playing pipe and tabor; angel, nimbed, seated cross-legged and holding blank tablet in lap with both hands; and winged hybrid man playing viol.
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