225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Book of Hours
France, Lorraine, 1490-1495
MS M.1039 fol. 26r
Virgin Mary: Annunciation -- Gabriel, holding scepter with left hand, indicates with right hand, Virgin Mary, nimbed, with joined hands, kneeling at and looking toward, draped prie-dieu on which is open book. Dove of Holy Ghost, hovers amid rays between Gabriel and Virgin Mary. Rays descend from upper left toward Virgin Mary. Behind her is circular tent. In foreground, next to Gabriel is vase containing lily.
Scene below two arches supported by two columns; statue of woman, possibly veiled with wimple on pendant between the two arches; in background, double lancet window.
Margins decorated with border of blocks of floreate ornament including dianthus, thistle and strawberry, and inhabited by hybrid animal, bird, dog (?) and fantastic animal.
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