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Speculum humanae salvationis
Germany, probably Nuremberg, between 1350 and 1400
MS M.140 fol. 37r

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Left column:
Moses: receiving Law -- Head of Christ-Logos, crossed nimbus appears in cloud-edged arc of Heaven flanked by two tablets. Tablet at left is inscribed: NO(N) FURTU(M) FACIES; NON F(A)L(SU)M TESTIMO(NIUM) DICES; NO(N) CO(N)CUPISCES DOM(UM) P(RO)XI(MI) TUI; NO(N) D(E)SID(ER)AB(IS) UXORE(M) P(RO)XIMI TUI. Tablet at right is inscribed: NO(N) ADORAB(US) D(E)OS ALIENOS; NO(N) ASSUMES NOM(EN) D(E)I I(N) UANU(M); MEM(EN)TO UT DIE(M) SABB(AT)I S(ANC)TIFICES; HONORA P(AT)REM ET M(AT)REM; NO(N) OCCIDES; NO(N) MECHABERIS. Moses, with joined hands raised kneels below looking up toward Christ-Logos. Six men, four with joined hands kneel at right, looking upward.
Caption, LEX DATA EST I(N) MONTE SYNAI, is inscribed above miniature.
Right column:
Elisha: Widow's Oil -- Elisha, name inscribed HELYSEUS, kneels, raising hands, looking upward. At right, woman, veiled, inscribed UIDUA pours from small vessel into one of four larger two handled vessels.
Caption, O(MN)IA VASA PAUP(ER)CULE UIDUE I(M)PLETA SUNT OLEO, is inscribed above miniature.

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