225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016. Just a short walk from Grand Central and Penn Station
Des cas de nobles hommes et femmes
France, Paris, ca. 1475
MS M.343 fol. 74r
Boccaccio: Text, De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, Book 7:
Julius Caesar: Scene, Death -- Five helmeted soldiers hold swords, including two stabbing Julius Caesar, wearing crown and ermine-trimmed mantle, bleeding from wounds in shoulder and hip, grasping column surmounted by statue. Another helmeted soldier, with halberd, enters through doorway. Scene in room with carved decoration, including statue on door jamb, altar, with retable carved with figures and canopy, tile floor and leaded glass windows.
Decorated initial C enclosing plant with 2 flowers.
In margins, ivy-rinceaux foliate ornament.
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