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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts | Iconographic Search

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Search results for: dragonfly

70 results found.

7 pages of results.
Book of Hours, France, Paris, 1500-1510
... Margins with foliate and vinescroll ornament, inhabited by three birds, two possibly cranes; fantastic animal; and dragonfly. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights (1 of 27) ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Rouen, ca. 1465-1475
... decorated with border of floreate ornament including strawberry, and inhabited by fool, tongue emerging from mouth, grasping dragonfly with right hand, and holding pedum under left arm. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Tours or Paris, between ca. 1490-1510
... lattice overlaying border of floreate ornament including columbine, thistle, rose and daisy, and inhabited by bird and dragonfly. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights (2 of 13) ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1500
... PIEDS DECHAUS SA TOUT A PSAM. Margins decorated with floreate border, including violas and cornflowers, inhabited by dragonfly and by hybrid animal. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights ( ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1500
... )T DE FRUITS D'ARBRES FRUITION. Margins decorated with floreate border, including violas and cornflowers, inhabited by dragonfly and by hybrid animal. Head of fanstastic animal within decorated initial B. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1500
... AINSERENT QUE DIEU EN ESTOIT COUROULLE. Margins decorated with floreate border, including violas and columbines, inhabited by dragonfly and by hybrid animal with serpent in its mouth. Bird within decorated initial D. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1500
... (U )A MORT GREUA. Margins decorated with floreate border, including violas and columbines, inhabited by dragonfly and by hybrid animal with serpent in its mouth. Dog (?) head within decorated initial N. ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1500
... DIEU DE NOTEMENT. Margins decorated with floreate border, including cornflowers, grapevines, and strawberries, inhabited by dragonfly and by hybrid animal, with monkey on his back. Dog (?) head in decorated initial Q ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1500
... ) LA AUX MASSONS Margins decorated with floreate border, including cornflowers, grapevines, and strawberries, inhabited by dragonfly and by hybrid animal, with monkey on its back. Head of fantastic animal in decorated initial L. ...
Terms matched: 1
Breviary, France, ca. 1511
... of floreate ornament including grape, daisy, campanula, viola, columbine, strawberry and thistle and inhabited by dragonfly and snail. Text is first lesson in first nocturn for Matins on 12.29, feast of Thomas Becket. ...
Terms matched: 1
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