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Medieval & Renaissance Manuscripts | Iconographic Search

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Search results for: dragonfly

70 results found.

7 pages of results.
La ve´rite´ a` la place des ombres, France, Paris, 1679
... fol. 210r See more information At the top, ribbons and a garland of flowers, drawing butterflies, dragonflies, and other insects, frame a verse, the motto, and a medallion, enclosing the Burning Bush ...
Terms matched: 1
Breviary, Belgium, Bruges, ca. 1500
... budding and full flowers, including violas, pinks, roses, cornflowers, and strawberry, and inhabited by dragonfly. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights (88 of 93) ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, ca. 1470
... with border of floreate ornament including viola, dianthus, campanula, and strawberry, and inhabited by bird and dragonfly. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights (19 of 26) ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, Netherlands, ca. 1520
... , pink, daisy, and white rose (alba rosa), strawberry, and inhabited by fly, dragonfly, and in lower right, crouching monkey, wearing headgear and holding beaded necklace. Miniature at beginning of ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, Netherlands, ca. 1520
... strewn flowers, including daisy, viola, lily, iris, forget-me-not, and strawberry, and inhabited by dragonfly and moth. In lower margin, monkey, wearing hat and mantle, with right hand extending bowl and ...
Terms matched: 1
Breviary, France, Paris, ca. 1350
... In lower margin (bas-de-page), two men swat at two insects, possibly butterflies, moths, or dragonflies. In margins, foliate extensions inhabited by owl and bird. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, Belgium, 1440-1449
... ivy-rinceaux and floreate ornament, with fountain at lower right. Margins inhabited by fantastic (?) bird and dragonfly. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights (3 of 12) ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, ca. 1440
... has two windows. Margins decorated with floreate border, including cornflowers, inhabited by bird, moths, and dragonflies; by two nimbed angels, kneeling with hands extended, amid peacocks; and by man, grasping vine ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, ca. 1440
... with buildings in distance. Margins decorated with floreate border, including daisies and strawberries, inhabited by moths, dragonflies, birds and peacocks. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights ( ...
Terms matched: 1
Book of Hours, France, Paris, 1500-1510
... Margins with foliate and vinescroll ornament, inhabited by three birds, two possibly cranes; fantastic animal; and dragonfly. Introduction Manuscript list Coptic bindings Papyri Indian and South Asian Miniatures Iconographic search Highlights (1 of 27) ...
Terms matched: 1
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